Episode 82 – Strange Bedfellows


Politics makes for strange bedfellows as Sultry Suzi discovers! Suzi plays a high-priced call girl who tries to blackmail a powerful politician. Her room-mate and fellow call girl, Kissable Kerie, tries to warn her against being too greedy, but Suzi is intent on using her ‘John’s’ connections to make herself successful. A steamy outting for…

SKU: sku00114


Politics makes for strange bedfellows as Sultry Suzi discovers! Suzi plays a high-priced call girl who tries to blackmail a powerful politician. Her room-mate and fellow call girl, Kissable Kerie, tries to warn her against being too greedy, but Suzi is intent on using her ‘John’s’ connections to make herself successful. A steamy outting for the Sultry One!